
VAAF010, Vetenskapligt arbete i arbetsintegrerat lärande, 7,5 hp

Revision 3

Anteckningsfält för dig som skriver en kursplan.
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Ändring av kursplanens engelska text 231025/Håkan Nunstedt: Course objectives (en) Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to: Knowledge and Understanding • explain the various stages of the process to develop a scientific work within work-integrated learning and its progression from idea sketch to finished script/article or part of a monograph • account for and develop, throughout a series of work-in-progress seminars, a scientific project on the subject of work-integrated learning, from outlining an idea to the final draft of an article or a monograph. Skills and abilities • produce their own texts and provide a critique of others’ scientific projects with an emphasis on methodological approaches and the theoretical positioning of the text. • apply scientific independence, creativity and scientific accuracy when examining one's own and others' texts. Judgment and approach • identify and contribute to a good academic seminar culture • identify, assess, and evaluate scholarly work based upon work-integrated learning as a field of research.
Ändring av engelsk text I “former för bedömning” 231025/Håkan Nunstedt:
The forms of assessment of student performance (en) The examination consists of the student having participated in at least 12 (6 for licentiates - in brackets below) seminars by having: -two (one) texts that are composed independently for review by a discussant -performance as discussant for 2 (1) texts composed by other classmates. -participated in a further 8 (4) seminars

Anteckningsfält för Utbildningshandläggare, Akademistöd och Systemstöd
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Tillstyrkt av ordförande Maria Spante, 2024-01-02, via mjel