
VSL402, Virtuella servrar och lagringsystem, 7,5 hp

Revision 2

Anteckningsfält för Utbildningshandläggare, Akademistöd och Systemstöd
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The student should have achieved the following learning outcomes after the course:
Knowledge and understanding
about structure and functionality of virtual machines and be oriented in current research challanges within server virtualization. about storage systems with a focus on SAN and iSCSI. knowledge of applicable methods for handling, maintaining and management of virtual environments. awareness of current research issues in server virtualization. Skills and abilities
be able to based on needs choose the correct virtualization model and have the ability to realize this in a production environment. demonstrate an ability to solve relevant server virtualization problems and to implement the solution within a given timeframe. Values and attitudes
demonstrate an ability to identify the need for further knowledge and to develop their skills.