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APV610, Arbetsintegrerat lärande för professions- och verksamhetsutveckling, 7,5 hp

Revision 1


Aspin, D. N., & Chapman, J. D. (2000). Lifelong learning: concepts and conceptions. International Journal of lifelong education, 19(1), 2-19. (17 sid).

Fuller, A., & Unwin, L. (2003). Learning as apprentices in the contemporary UK workplace: creating and managing expansive and restrictive participation. Journal of Education and work, 16(4), 407-426. (19 sid).

James, D. (2020). ). Is lifelong learning still useful? Disappointments and prospects for rediscovery. Journal of Education and Work, 33(7-8), 522-532. (10 sid.).

Jensen, M. (2016). Lärande och Lärandeteorier. Studentlitteratur (Sid. 344)

Kaider, F., Hains-Wesson, R., & Young, K. (2017). Practical typology of authentic work-integrated learning activities and assessments. Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 18(2), 153-165. (12 sid).

Manuti, A., Pastore, S., Scardigno, A. F., Giancaspro, M. L., & Morciano, D. (2015). Formal and informal learning in the workplace: A research review. International journal of training and development, 19(1), 1-17. (17 sid). )

Paulsen, R. (2017). Arbetssamhället: hur arbetet överlevde teknologin. ([Ny utgåva]). Atlas. Sid. 21-73, 143-184. British Journal of Educational Technology, 52(4), 1695-1708. (93 sid)

Poquet, O., & De Laat, M. (2021). Developing capabilities: Lifelong learning in the age of AI. British Journal of Educational Technology, 52(4), 1695-1708. (13 sid).

Svensson, L., Ellström, P. E., & Åberg, C. (2004). Integrating formal and informal learning at work. Journal of Workplace Learning, 16(8), 479-491. (12 sid).

Tynjälä, P. (2008). Perspectives into learning at the workplace. Educational research review, 3(2), 130-154. (24 sid.).


Bornemark, J. (2020). Horisonten finns alltid kvar: om det bortglömda omdömet. (Första upplagan). Volante. (221 sid.)

Carlsson Bergdahl, A. (2021). Vi som arbetar med våra kroppar. Stockholm: Carlsson bokförlag. (231 sid.)

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