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BUM601, Barn, ungdom och migrationsprocesser, 7,5 hp

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Bak, Maren & Brömssen, Kerstin von (red). (2013). Barndom & migration. 1. uppl. Umeå: Boréa

Alba, Richard & Foner, Nancy. (2017). Strangers No More. Immigration and the Challenges of Integration in North America and Western Europe. Princeton: Princeton University Press

Anderson, P. (2001). You don´t belong here in Germany...´. On the Social Situation of Refugee Children in Germany. Journal of Refugee Studies. 14 (2) 187-199

Bhabha, Jaqueline. (2016). Child Migration and and Human Rights in a Global Age. Princeton: Princeton University Press

Bunar, Nihad. (2015). Nyanlända och lärande - mottagande och inkludering. 1. utg. Stockholm: Natur och kultur

Due, C., Riggs, D. W. & Augoustionos, M. (2014). Research with children of migrant and refugee backgrounds: a review of child-centered research methods. Child Indicators Research. 7 (1) 209-227

Eastmond, M. & Ascher, H. (2011). In the best interest of the child? The politics of vulnerability and negotiations for asylum in Sweden. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 37 (8) 1185-1200

Gardner, K. (2012). Transnational Migration and the Study of Children. An Introduction. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 38 (6) 889-912

Lacatus, C. (2008). The (in)visibility complex : negotiating otherness in contemporary Sweden. CEIFOs skriftserie. 96. Stockholm: Centre for Research in International Migration and Ethnic Relations.

Levitt, P. (2003). "You know, Abraham was really the first immigrant": religion and transnational migration. The International Migration Review. 37 (143) 847-873

Ottosson, L., Eastmond, M. & Cederborg, A-C. (2017). Assertions and aspirations : Agency among accompanied asylum-seeking children in Sweden. Children's Goegraphies. 15 (4) 426-438

Rydenvald, M. (2015). Elite Bilingualism? Language use among Multilingual Teenagers of Swedish Background in European Schools and International Schools in Europe. Journal of Research in International Education. 14 (3) 213-227

Samers, M & Collyer, M. (2017). Migration. London: Routledge

Wimelius, Malin E., Eriksson, Malin, Isaksson, Joakim & Ghazinour, Mehdi. (2017). Swedish reception of unaccompanied refugee children: promoting integration?. Journal of International Migration and Integration. 18 (1) 143-157

Åsander, A-S., Rubensson, B., Munobwa, J. & Faxelid, E. (2013). We have taken care of Our Children According to an African-Swedish Method. HIV-infected Ugandan Parents in Sweden. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 39 (5) 791-808

Avhandlingar (en väljes för individuell läsning)

Léon Rosales, René. (2010). Vid framtidens hitersta gräns: om maskulina elevpositioner i en multietnisk skola. Södertörns Doctoral Dissertations. 43. Södertörn: Mångkulturellt centrum

Mohme, Gunnel. (2016). Somali-Swedish Girls - The Construction of Childhood within Local and Transnational Spaces. Stockholm: Stockholms universitet.

Nilsson Folke, J. (2017). Lived transitions. Experiences of learning and inclusion among newly arrived students. Stockholm: Stockholms universitet.

Skowronski, E. (2013). Skola med fördröjning. Nyanlända elevers sociala spelrum i "en skola för alla". Lund: Lunds universitet.

Stretmo, L. (2014). Governing the unaccompanied child: media, policy and practice. Göteborg studies in sociology. 56. Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet.

Sundelin, Å. (2016). Att skapa en framtid. En analys av interaktionen i Studie- och yrkesvägledande samtal med unga i migration. Doktorsavhandlingar från Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik. 39. Stockholm: Stockholms universitet.

Svensson, Malin. (2017). Hoppet om en framtidsplats. Asylsökande barn i den svenska skolan. Gothenburg studies in educational sciences,. 402. Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet.

Wernesjö, U. (2014). Conditional belonging. Listen to unaccompanied young refugees´ voices. Uppsala: Uppsala universitet

Wiltgren, Layal, K. (2014). STOLT! Om ungdomar, etniciteter och gemenskaper. Linköping studies in arts and science. 622. Linköping: Linköping Studies in Arts and Sciences 622.


(2016). Uprooted: The Growing Crisis for Refugee and Migrant Children. New York: UNICEF.

(2016). Ensamkommande flyktingbarn och unga. Om hur de har det och hur det är möjligt att åstadkomma förbättringar : Temanummer. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift. 93 (1)

Molcho, M. (2010). Health and well-being among child immigrants in Europe. Eurohealth. 16 (1) 20-23.

Taguma Miho, Kim Moonhee, Brink Satya & Teltemann Janna. (2010). OECD Reviews of Migrant Education OECD Reviews of Migrant Education: Sweden 2010. Stockholm: OECD.

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