Literature list, appendix to:

DLA120, Democracy, legitimacy and political institutions, 7,5 HE credits

Revision 2

Established 2017-02-16

* Please observe! The following literature may have been published in later editions/year. At the start of the course the latest edition is to be used.

Course literature

* (2007). Kurskompendium - Course Compendium

* Caramani, Danièle (ed). (2014). Comparative Politics. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press

* Crick, Bernard. (2002). Democracy: A very short introduction.

* Rothstein, Bo. (1998). Just institutions matter : the moral and political logic of the universal welfare state. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press

Supplementary material

The course compendium consists of texts which are available through the unversity library webpage, or other webpages. Specifications of included texts are made in the course guide.