Litteraturlista, bilaga till:

PEDF010, Pedagogikens forskningsmetoder, 7,5 hp

Revision 1

Beslutad 2017-12-21

Gemensam litteratur

Fejes, Andreas & Thornberg, Robert (red). (2015). Handbok i kvalitativ analys. Stockholm: Liber

(2014). Code of human research ethics. Leicester: British Psychological Society, BPS.

Andersson, Annika. (2016). Boundaries as mechanisms for learning in emergency exercises with students from emergency service organisations. Journal of vocational education and training. 68 (2) 245-262.

Creswell, John W. (2013). Research design. Qualitative, Quantitative and mixed methods approaches. Los Angeles: SAGE

Ercikan, K & Roth. W-M. Red. (2006). What good is Polarizing Research into qualitative and quantitative?. Educational Researcher. 35 (vol. 35) 14-23

Forsman, Birgitta. (2009). Forskares frihet: Om makt och moral. Lund: Studentlitteratur

Johansson, Eva. (2016). Det motsägelsefulla bedömningsuppdraget. Gothenburg studies in educational sciences. 391. Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet.

Kittelmann Flensner, Karin. (2015). Religious education in contemporary pluralistic Sweden. Avhandlingar framlagda vid Institutionen för litteratur, idéhistoria och religion. 44. Göteborg: Göteborgs universitet.

Sawer, Andrew. (1992). Method in social science. A realist approach. New York: Routledge

Thorsen, C., Gustafsson, J-E., & Cliffordson, C. (2014). The influence of fluid and crystallized intelligence on the development of knowledge and skills. British journal of educational psychology. 84 (4) 556-570.

Vetenskapsrådet. (2017). God forskningssed.