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SRH600, Sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa och rättigheter vid funktionsvariation och sjukdom, 7,5 hp

Revision 4


Bahner, J & Lukkerz J. (2023). I I C. Holmström, A. De Cabo, & P. Ouis. (Red.), Att erkänna och främja sexualitet hos personer med funktionsnedsättning. (1:a. uppl., s. 82-93). Liber.

Dahlborg, E. & Tengelin, E. (red). (2022). Jämlik vård: normmedvetna perspektiv. Studentlitteratur.

Ekdahl, Johanna. (2017). Sexualitet och sexuella problem: bedömning och behandling enligt kognitiv beteendeterapi. (Upplaga 1. uppl.). Studentlitteratur.

Sundbeck, Mats. (2013). Sexuell hälsa i vården: en metodbok för sjuksköterskor. (1. uppl. uppl.). Studentlitteratur.

Referenslitteratur Modul 1

A. Giami,. (2015). Sexuality, health and human rights:: The invention of sexual rights. 24, (s. Pages e45-e53).

Areskoug-Josefsson K PhD, RPT, Kjellström S PhD. (2019). Physiother Theory Pract. Ethics and sexual health: Exploration of the ethical code of conduct for physiotherapists concerning sexual health in clinical practice. (s. 1015-1026).

Eszter Kismödi, Esther Corona, Eleanor Maticka-Tyndale, Eusebio Rubio-Aurioles & Eli Coleman. (2017). International Journal of Sexual Health,. Sexual Rights as Human Rights:: A Guide for the WAS Declaration of Sexual Rights,. (s. 1-92).

Referenslitteratur Modul 2

Areskoug-Josefsson, K. , Hjalmarsson, S. , Björk, M. and Sverker, A. (2020). Open Journal of Rheumatology and Autoimmune Diseases,. Co-Creation of a Working Model to Improve Sexual Health for Persons Living with Rheumatological Diseases. (s. 109-124).

Hjalmarsson E, Lindroth M. (2020). J Clin Nurs. To live until you die could actually include being intimate and having sex": A focus group study on nurses' experiences of their work with sexuality in palliative care. (s. 2979-2990).

Referenslitteratur Modul 3

Fennell, R, Grant, B. (2019). J Clin Nurs. Discussing sexuality in health care: A systematic review. 28, (s. 3065– 3076).

Jack S. Annon. (1976). Journal of Sex Education and Therapy,. The PLISSIT Model:: A Proposed Conceptual Scheme for the Behavioral Treatment of Sexual Problems,.

Taylor B, Davis S. (2006). Nurs Stand. Using the extended PLISSIT model to address sexual healthcare needs. (s. 35-40).

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